Two weeks ago we were blessed to have a lovely group of girls join us for a two-day audition to hire a new company member for the next season. We had girls from Arizona, New Mexico, Kentucky, Ohio and Mississippi. It was so much fun to meet new people and see how Christian dance is evolving in other parts of the country.
The following week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we hosted our Created to Dance workshop here in Colorado Springs.

Twenty three girls and one boy came to discover how God not only created every part of us but also created us with a purpose, to worship Him. We then explored how we can use dance as a means of worship, praise, prayer, and reflection.

One of the girls was so excited about the workshop that gave she Erin a picture she drew of herself dancing.

Despite a weather delay on Wednesday we enjoyed teaching the dancers ballet technique classes as well as a jazz piece, a contemporary piece and an Israeli piece to perform for their families on Friday evening. On the last day we finished with an improvisation class that stretched everyone's creativity.

One of our favorite parts of the week was studying the Bible with the dancers. All of our participants were so strong and mature in their faiths, especially for their age. Even the seven year olds were quoting scripture to support points they were making. By Friday our goal was to have Colossians 3:17 memorized "And whatever you do whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him." This verse would remind us that we can use every moment in our lives to fulfill our purpose and worship God.

We are so excited for this weekend and our performance of "Crown of Thorns," a family friendly celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Several guest artists are joining us for the show including Naomi Hill, the Sunnyside Up Brass Band, Afton Paris and Jamie Southwick. We would love to see every one there! Admission is free and a love offering will be accepted.