
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Break Dancing!

SBDW 2012 - create a slideshow with music

We had such a great time with all the students during our Spring-Break Dance Workshop. No, it wasn't actually a break-dancing workshop but we did dance a lot during break! This year our workshop  focused on the story of the Flood.  Everyone's bible studies and choreography were all connected to the story.

Our Purple group (ages 4-6) had craft time each day.  They made rainbows, hand print animals and animal masks to wear in the concert. Within our Rain performance they represented all of the animals that came to the ark. They were all adorable dancing to "All God's Creatures Have a Place in the Choir."

Our Red group (ages 7-9)  talked about how Noah was obedient to God even though God's requests were difficult and a little crazy.  Their piece was to Rich Mullins' "Screen Door" and showed how we need to reflect our faith through our works, just like Noah did.

Our Yellow group (ages 10 and Up) discussed how we can rely on God even when we're scared or unsure of what's happening.  Noah was a great example of continuing to trust the Lord in the middle of the storm.  Their piece for the concert was to Toby Mac's "Hold On" and followed the same subject.  Best of all they got to dance with fun ribbons!

Our Green group (the most advanced dancers) talked about the importance of standing up for our faith in the midst of peer pressure. Their dance, to NeedtoBreathe's "Washed by the Water," told the story of a preacher who spoke the Truth but was criticized by the people around him.  This story echoes what Noah might have gone through as he was preparing for the Flood.

Both the Yellow and Green groups also got to perform jazz dances.  These dances are always so fun to watch. The Yellow students danced to Mercyme's "Move" and had the chance to show off their best dance moves.  The Green students portrayed secret agents during their dance to NewWorldSon's "Working Man."

Here are some more pictures from the performance:

Hope you all had as much fun as we did. See you next year!

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